In the same period, however, I’ve found out lots of you feel the same. Hannah from Seeds & Stitches wrote an excellent post on unisex clothes, describing how she and blog partner Davina pulled Clarks up on their pointless gender-dividing of kid's shoes (Clarks apparently listened). She also explains very eloquently why limiting children's clothes to just a couple of restrictive stereotypes is not a great idea - I highly recommend a read.
So that was good, and you’ve also been wonderful in tagging your #KaleidoscopeKids pictures on instagram. This is definitely totally great. As promised, here is a round-up of my favourite ones. I’m also sharing some more of the outfits the Bean has picked for himself lately (all hasty phone snaps though, sorry!).
The tractor/tutu/monster-loving Busby at Make, Do & Push! | Little Rocker Baby at You Baby Me Mummy | @aoifekids funky little chap
"I always look on the bright side" t-shirt by Circo | Cow t-shirt & socks by Frugi | Owl tights by Frugi | Little Libby (girl's!) leggings by Frugi and Blue Monkey fleece | Raincloud jacket by Frugi and spotty leggings by me! | Gruffalo t-shirt from Next
In the meantime we’ve also had a minor trouser-crisis here at Casa P&P, in the sense that the Bean decided to shoot skywards and over half of his bottoms have had to be put in the “too small” pile. Since we’re still a long way off cracking out the shorts, the search for fun and comfy mid-season trousers/leggings is on.
But here’s the thing: it’s so. damn. hard. Since my long-legged one (how did that happen? Not due to my genes, I can tell you) is already at the top end of the 2-3 yr age range, I’ve been trying to get 3+ bottoms for him that are not navy blue, grey, or khaki. Or, even worse, army camouflage, because why on earth would a 3-year-old need to look like they’re off to go and blow someone up?
Trying to stay away from these awful stereotypes, but failing. My favourite brand on the high street, The Gap, is a sea of grey/beige/navy blah. My even more favourite non-high street brand, Frugi, who’s organic baby & toddler stuff is beautifully made as well as bright and fun, has a style lobotomy beyond 3+ and just offers you navy, deep red, or dark green. No leggings for boys anymore either, because clearly only girls want to be super-comfy...
It makes me so sad, all this. It's not that I dislike blue, and I’m okay with wanting to stay away from pink and sparkles, but what happened to yellow and turquoise and grassy green and sunset orange? Why does everyone assume 3+ boys just want dark dark dark as a colour? Am I being utterly naive in thinking a 4-year-old boy would not wear a bright orange t-shirt?
I took to twitter in despair, and fortunately it turns out there are some amazing independent boutiques and brands out there that stock really, really unisex kids clothes. Here are some of my favourite bottoms:
1. Banana Leggings from The Little Geekery Company | 2. Boys&Girls Harlequin Leggings | 3. Indikidual Chicken Leggings | 4. Tootsa Macginty Safari trousers | 5. Slugs & Snails Ivor Spider tights | 6. Duns yellow leggings from loveitloveitloveit