I think the two-year-old has me figured out. His response, the other night, to my attempts at persuading him into bed was, “you sit on da sofa with MORE yarn”. He meant, you sit there and get so absorbed in your crochet you’ll forget it’s bedtime. Wins!
The cheek of it. But to be fair to him, it has been an utterly yarn-tastic week here at P&P, and it’s only Thursday. On Tuesday there was a much-anticipated delivery from Deramores after the Crochet meets Patchwork blanket juddered to a halt (I had a colour crisis). Then yesterday I decided the perfect antidote to being informed of a 5K tax bill by my accountant was a trip to my local yarn paradise, Lanar Emporio.
The cheek of it. But to be fair to him, it has been an utterly yarn-tastic week here at P&P, and it’s only Thursday. On Tuesday there was a much-anticipated delivery from Deramores after the Crochet meets Patchwork blanket juddered to a halt (I had a colour crisis). Then yesterday I decided the perfect antidote to being informed of a 5K tax bill by my accountant was a trip to my local yarn paradise, Lanar Emporio.
And oh! The scrumptious squishiness, the deliciousness of the colours! So it’s yarn, yarn and MORE yarn, in every nook and cranny of the house.
There is everything, from cotton brights perfect for playing around with...
There is everything, from cotton brights perfect for playing around with...
... to thick Egyptian cotton just waiting to be made into a blanket.
And then there was also a touch of rustic: a huge skein of angora mix in the loveliest of mustard yellow, and a cute pair of alpaca tweeds that might just persuade me to knit.
So it’s yarn, yarn and MORE yarn, in every nook and cranny of the house. You might think, with a month to go until our cross-continental move, I’d be trying to reduce the amount of Stuff That Needs Boxing Up. I probably should be, but… But: a) I can’t resist; and b) it’s all for a very exciting, though still top secret, new project for P&P :-)
Come say hello: