made you laugh out loud, opened your heart, raised your spirits or just made you smile!
My personal favourite from last week's link-up is "Sometimes we just have to press on" by Claire from Joy & Pops. She writes about the need to push through the hard times - the tiredness, the grind - of parenthood, but how it is equally important to give everyone a chance to just rest or even mope sometimes, kids included. She ought to be on holiday in Spain right now, and I hope she's getting the chance to recharge her spirits!
This week I'm sharing a post I wrote in January 2014, exactly three years after we arrived in Milan. Right now it seems like a particularly poignant post to me again: we are very likely to be moving on to pastures new before 2015 is up. Reminding myself that, despite the initial challenges, we managed to make a happy home for ourselves here is helping me to get past the fear of another round of changes, cardboard boxes and administrative nightmares! So here it is: "You've come a long way, ragazzi".
Now on the linky!
2) Link back either by including the Share the Joy badge (below) or a text link back to this Share the Joy linky page in your own post.
3) Please comment on one of your hosts' posts and a few others. Let’s Share the JOY through commenting as well as through our posts!
Share the Joy will run for a whole week until the following week's linky is open, so you'll never be too late. And don't forget to tweet me or Michelle the url to your post using the hashtag #sharethejoylinky so we can retweet it.
Feel free to invite your friends to join in - JOY is always better when it's shared!