Recently though, he’s started to sleep until ever so slightly later in the mornings (watch me jinx it now). To put off the inevitable shock of a freezing cold stone floor a bit longer, we’ve been letting him watch YouTube videos in bed with us. Just for 15 minutes or so, on a mobile phone.
Earlier this week I managed to get one early-morning shot of M and his daddy.
M glued to screen. Daddy comatose.
Usually, once I’m up I’m up, but Mr. P&P is one of those (utterly infuriating) people who can sleep anywhere, at any time, in any position. Such as with the light on and while holding up a phone.
M loves this bit of video time. He likes the content but I think, just like us grownups, he also needs some quiet time to wake up properly before he can take on the world. And recently, just in the last week or so, it feels like he actually likes the snuggles that go with it. He doesn’t kick off the duvet anymore, or squirm when you try to bury your face into his tiny back, or lamp you in the head in his hurry to get up and play. He gets as close to you as possible and, every now and then, he’ll look away from the screen and flash you a quick grin.
It’s my favourite ordinary moment of the day (although some kind of tripod to hold up the phone would be really useful).