The days are warm, sunny, we haven’t had rain for weeks but it doesn’t yet matter. Jeans, t-shirt, cute little checked shirt for the Bean.
The odd sticky, humid, Why am I sweating like a horse? kind of day. Oh. THAT was brewing. Just when I’m supposed to do the nursery run. Both spectacular and spectacularly bad timing.
Smile, knowingly. If this were the UK, there would be a frenzy of barbecues and strappy sandals and red shoulders. If this were the UK, we would wonder Is this it? Is this all the summer we’re getting?
But in Milan? No, just you wait, look the clues are there. The dog days of summer are not so far away. The mosquitoes are amassing, the night time temperatures are climbing. Green will turn into brown. May will be a memory soon.
But for now: The smell of jasmine, thick and sweet, dominates.