You can now find this pattern at my new online home:
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You can now find this pattern at my new online home: 12/2/2015 01:47:56 pm
Thank you for sharing this lovely square. I absolutely love everything about this blanket you are making - I even stole the colour combinations for my new blog design! I just wish I knew how to crochet - one of these days I'll find the time to actually learn. In the meantime I'll just lust after your designs.... or do you take commissions?? 12/3/2015 05:06:00 am
These are such pretty little granny squares! I've pinned them for later use. 12/5/2015 11:10:08 am
This is so beautiful and I can see it's something that my mother would love. I'm going to get cracking on it in the new year! Thank you!
Dally dahlia granny square 2/10/2016 11:32:29 am
Hi Ellie, Comments are closed.
Hello! I'm Eline, and I've recently moved to a new corner of the internet: Do come and say hello! Read more:
February 2016