So I wrote. Adoring words, tales of sorrow, internal discussions I could no longer contain. Words on motherhood, other country-hood, just being.
Also the practical: recipes, tips, projects, tutorials, ideas. Anything that captured my attention and which I thought might do the same for you. I shared and wrote and wrote and shared.
And then, in the middle of all that writing, or maybe about three quarters of the way through because isn't it always the case that the most obvious things take the longest to spot, something essential emerged. I knew where I wanted to go, and wasn't at all where I first thought I'd end up.
- Although I've loved writing about being a mother, I don't want to be a mummy blogger.
- I'm nowhere near good enough at either cooking or food photography to be a food blogger.
- I love staying put too much to be a decent travel blogger.
- I'm too eratic in my approach to documenting DIY projects, so I shouldn't inflict those on you, either.
- I don't think I have enough eloquent words to capture the essence of life in Italy, and now Sweden, really.
I've dabbled in all of the above and adored every minute of it, but it's become clear I'm none of them. Instead, I "come up with things". These "things" keep me up at night and make me a perpetually distracted mother and wife: crochet patterns, new designs, things to photograph, colour combinations, fabrics, geometric constructions.
I want to come up with lots more of them and other things too, and do it properly. So I think I need to say goodbye to Pasta & Patchwork and start again. Here it is, then, my new site:
Other things besides, of course. There will still be personal stories, because my darling Bean is still beaning, my husband still my long-suffering rock, my life in Sweden still full of hiccups and questions marks.
I'm furiously fiddling around behind the scenes (because goodness me these things take time) and the very first post will go up on 1 March. I really hope you'll come with me, but in any case I am so grateful for all the comments, personal connections, opportunities and even friendships you've given me these last two years. I've still got a couple of posts I'd like to publish here on P&P before I round things off, so stop by to give me a wave and then in three weeks' time it'll be ALL CHANGE!