Anyway, whatever the reason, yesterday I took out my camera, a pen, some paper, and photographed the things I am currently working on. And more to the point, would like to get finished. Ideally. I worked out the sizes and stitch counts where necessary and wrote them out, so that I can just blindly follow instruction in between playing trains and making puzzles.
So here they are. 8 projects: 6 crochet, 1 knitting (I know, I'm KNITTING) and 1 sewing. On top of that I still have 3 finished items that need the patterns writing up, some curtains to sew, and a big old pile of mending to do. But the latter especially don't photograph pretty.
Pattern by Vickie Brown for Inside Crochet Issue 58 (available for free if you sign up to Pocketmags here)
Drops Alpaca yarn in #2923 and #517
Pattern under development
Wool & Alpaca tweed mix by Emporio Lanar in Avio
Pattern by Brindille & Twig (available for purchase here)
Organic fleece and organic cotton jersey by BirchFabrics
Pattern (and a better name) under development
Rowan Thick 'n Thin in #968
Find all the free patterns for this blanket on my Pattern Page.
100% cotton yarn by DMC Natura Just Cotton in Gris Argent, Aswan, Ivory, Jade, Amaranto, Brique & Blue Jeans
Pattern by Jocelyn J. Tunney for O-wool (available for free here)
Drops Alpaca in #2915 and #6309, Wool & Alpaca tweed mix by Emporio Lanar in Naturale
Pattern under development
Drops Alpaca in #8120, #4050 and #3112
Blanket pattern under development. Dally Dahlia granny square pattern available for free here.
Mandarin Naturell by Sandnes Garn in #1001, #4627, and #7024